coherence Package

coherence Package

@package Determines how strongly two terms are connected to each other

class eWRT.stat.coherence.Coherence(dataSource, cache=True)[source]

Bases: object

@class Coherence abstract class for computing the coherence between terms

static getCoherence(nx, ny, nt)[source]

@param[in] nx counts of term1 @param[in] ny counts of term2 @param[in] nt counts of term1 together with term2 @returns the coherence

getTermCoherence(t1, t2)[source]

@param[in] t1 term1 @param[in] t2 term2 @returns the coherence between these two terms

class eWRT.stat.coherence.DiceCoherence(dataSource, cache=True)[source]

Bases: eWRT.stat.coherence.Coherence

@class DiceCoherence computes the dice coherence for the given terms

static getCoherence(nx, ny, nt)[source]

@param[in] nx counts of term1 @param[in] ny counts of term2 @param[in] nt counts of term1 together with term2 @returns the coherence

class eWRT.stat.coherence.PMICoherence(dataSource, cache=True)[source]

Bases: eWRT.stat.coherence.Coherence

@class PMICoherence computes the coherence based on the pointwise mutual information (PMI)

static getCoherence(nx, ny, nt)[source]

@param[in] nx counts of term1 @param[in] ny counts of term2 @param[in] nt counts of term1 together with term2 @returns the coherence

class eWRT.stat.coherence.TestCoherence(methodName='runTest')[source]



tests the computation of the dice coefficient based on the example in


tests the computation of the PMI based on the results from wilson’s paper


tests the handling of PMI values of no counts are found