Source code for eWRT.stat.eval.metrics

#!/usr/bin/env python
 Standard IR evaluation metrics such as
  * precision
  * recall
  * F1 measure

# (C)opyrights 2010 by Albert Weichselbraun <>
#                   and others (as outlined in the functions.
# The code published in this module is either under the GNU General
# Public License (see below) or under the license specified in the 
# function. 
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

[docs]def precision(relevant, retrieved): """ returns the precision of the given sets @param[in] relevant set of relevant terms @param[in] retrieved set of retrieved terms @returns the precision """ assert isinstance(relevant, set) assert isinstance(retrieved, set) return float( len(relevant.intersection(retrieved)) ) / len(retrieved)
[docs]def recall(relevant, retrieved): """ returns the recall of the given sets @param[in] relevant set of relevant terms @param[in] retrieved set of retrieved terms @returns the recall """ assert isinstance(relevant, set) assert isinstance(retrieved, set) return float( len(relevant.intersection(retrieved)) ) / len(relevant)
[docs]def fMeasure(p, r, beta=1.): """ returns the F-measure for the given precision and recall @param[in] p precision @param[in] r recall @param[in] beta weight used to compute the f mesure @returns the F-Measure """ return (1+beta*beta) * (p*r)/(beta*beta*p+r)
[docs]class TestEvaluationMetrics(object): """ tests the evaluation metrics """ a = set( (1,3,8,9) ) b = set( (1,3,10,12) ) c = set( (1,3) ) d = set( (10, 11) )
[docs] def testPrecision(self): assert precision(self.a, self.b) == 0.5 assert precision(self.a, self.a) == 1.0 assert precision(self.a, self.c) == 1.0 assert precision(self.a, self.d) == 0.0
[docs] def testRecall(self): assert recall(self.a, self.a) == 1.0 assert recall(self.a, self.b) == 0.5 assert recall(self.a, self.c) == 0.5 assert recall(self.a, self.d) == 0.0
[docs] def testFMeasure(self): assert fMeasure(1.,1.,1.) == 1 assert fMeasure(1.,0.,1.) == 0.0 assert fMeasure(1.,0.5,1.) == 1/1.5